It’s been a month since our last update.

Treatment Update
As far as Kudo’s health, everything has been going well. Kudo needed to postpone one treatment because his blood counts were too low for treatment. Kudo’s blood count tends to drop just before the fourth treatment in the cycle. We were a little concerned as this was the first time, we couldn’t get his treatment, but he does follow this trend so it’s not completely out of the ordinary for him. The oncologist reviewed everything for us to watch out for as infection was possible. Watching for fevers, lethargy, lack of appetite, and possibly falling out of remission. Thankfully, none of this happened; Kudo just had an extra rest week. Kudo is now on the 3rd cycle of his second round of CHOP and doing great, with one cycle after this one for a total of 4 cycles.
Kudo’s PEMF mat is always out in the living room; he lets us know when he wants his treatment by lying down on the mat. He does this daily with low frequency and low heat. Last week during his treatment with Roman Bear, no bribes were needed he jumped right onto the mat and laid there until we forced him off the bed after a very long treatment. Over the past few months, since we started PEMF I have seen a huge difference in Kudo’s strength, endurance, and energy. Longer walks, running, jumping, zoomies, and most importantly sitting.
Kudo still takes his herbs (cookie balls) morning and night without any issues. Kudo is due to have a follow up with Rygate in the next few weeks to check in on his general wellness and arthritis. Farmers dog is still on the menu.
Bark in the Park
We have had many fun adventures over the last few weeks. Kudo attended his first-ever doggie event. Bark in the Park was hosted by the Conway Humane Society, and Kudo had a blast. Kudo is quick to catch on to new things. Who says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks? Kudo quickly realized this was a dog event, and everyone there loved dogs. Kudo began going from table to table and person to person, sitting at their feet looking for treats—lots of treats to be had.
Kudo joined the 2.5-mile walk with the other dogs; I was pretty sure when we started that Kudo would give up mid-walk and need a ride back. Kudo stayed strong the entire walk. Throughout the walk, many stories were posted to share of many amazing pups. Thanks to Carina, who volunteered to take photos of the pups on the walk, Kudo had his own story posted. Many stories were shared, including one of a girl named Lilah. We will share more of Lilah’s story soon.
Kudo spent a few hours doing laps and signing up for prizes. There were a lot of games and activities for the dogs. Brad and Carina made very cool tie-dyes. Kudo painted his paw print on a canvas. Kudo stole a treat from the snack room from under the fence; Honeybee got to go into the treat room to get a legal treat.

The Bike Ride
We had planned to take Kudo out for a bike ride with Carina and Honeybee. On the way, Honeybee had an accident, causing us a delay getting on the trail. In hindsight, at this point it was later in the evening, and we probably should have skipped the ride. The way out to the pond was beautiful, with a great sunset. On the way in, with the sun setting it began to get dark. Kudo was having a great time riding in the trailer.
Brad was towing the trailer; I was riding next to Kudo and Carina was holding Honeybee’s leash. Everything was going great until Honeybee saw a rabbit, Honeybee took off at full speed, pulling Carina on her bike. Carina tried to control the bike without releasing Honeybee’s leash. Eventually, Carina lost control and leaped from the bike, trying to get her feet under her. At the speed Honeybee was running, this was an impossible task. Carina quickly lost her footing and was being dragged down the trail by Honeybee. This continued for far longer than it should have, I raced forward to get to Carina on the ground with her arm still fully extended, holding on to Honeybee’s leash, still trying to get the rabbit. I quickly grabbed the leash and told Carina to let go.
I calmed Honeybee down, while Brad went to Carina’s aid. Carina is tough, this is the second extremely intense fall she has taken on this trail with Honeybee. I took Honeybee over to the trailer to help Kudo relax as well, of course, both dogs got cookies. Brad helped guide Honeybee on the way in and Carina rode her bike like a champ. I jumped on Kudo’s bike and rode the last .5 mile back to the car.

Happy for Kudo. Also, Honeybee is a devil!
We agree Honeybee can be quite the devil.