Kudo was a strong dog with so much love to share. He came into our lives in November 2011 as a young puppy. He was adventurous and full of love. Over the years, Kudo spread joy and infectious love to everyone he met. Kudo was the “Pitbull” that would win the hearts of everyone, even folks with breed intolerance.
Kudo loved to go on adventures with us. Anytime the bikes came out, he would get excited. When we would pack the car for a vacation, Kudo would jump in as soon as we opened the door. He would wait a long time, just sitting in the back seat to ensure we didn’t forget or leave him behind, which would never have happened.
When Kudo was younger, he would run for miles chasing after the bikes until he was in the lead then he would keep the pace until he was ready to take a break; as he began to age, these runs became shorter and turned into rides in his carriage. All Kudo really cared about was being part of the adventure, his smile was one of those classic pit smiles from ear to ear on this wide face.
Kudo loved to have a task or job. One of his favorite jobs was bringing the mail into the house. He would collect the mail at the curb, run with it into the house, drop it at the treat station, prepare for his reward by sitting, and wait for us to arrive. Kudo was great at sticking around as a young puppy; he would hold his leash and walk right next to us. I remember we stopped this after he saw another dog, Rosie, with her leash dragging; Kudo ran up, grabbed the retractable leash, and proceeded to take this slower dog on a high-speed run. Sorry, Rosie.

Kudo lived an extraordinary life right up to his last day on earth. He spent his final days surrounded by friends and family, doing all his favorite things. Kudo was more than a dog; he was our family and best friend. He taught us many things over the years: take time to smell the flowers, there’s no time for holding a grudge, and love unconditionally. Kudo made us become better people; we will honor him by remaining true to the lessons he taught us! Thank you to everyone who has supported Kudo the dog so far; we will continue to share our journey and keep Kudo’s story alive.