Kudo’s Story

We are excited to say Kudo the dog, is kicking cancer’s ass.
Kudo went to visit his friends and oncologist at Peak’s referral clinic. Kudo was given two paws up, and the oncologist said everything looked good. Lymph nodes are still small, not showing any signs of cancer. We also had a couple of small lumps checked and confirmed as new skin tags; skin tags are not new to Kudo, as he has them all over. His breed is prone to these. Our next follow-up will be in one month.
We will continue to focus on Kudo’s arthritis in his spine and hips. Tomorrow we will visit the holistic vet for acupuncture and Bicom. Next week we will start the second round of PEMF with Roman Bear LLC. My sister Kacey has also been visiting Kudo while we are at work to help keep him moving and not resting all day. Bodies in motion stay in motion.
Over the last month, Kudo’s adventures have been limited due to this crazy weather with tons of rain.
One of Kudo’s favorite activities is running along with mountain bikes on the trail. 2018 we purchased a special bike trailer for Kudo after he injured his hind paw. This injury healed with a twisted back paw, most likely adding to his hip and the pain in his spine. During the spring, Brad helped me build a special bike to pull Kudo’s trailer, and we upgraded the connection to the bike and trailer. With the new hitch and bike, the trailer is level and becomes a smoother ride for Kudo. We have been out with the bike twice out to the pond of Cherry in Whitefield; the trailer is a hit. Kudo plays and enjoys the trail, running, sniffing, and eating grass. Eating grass is a chronic issue; he likes to pull out the longest piece he can find and then keeps it hanging out of his mouth as he enjoys his adventures. When it’s time for a break, Kudo hops in the trailer, enjoys the ride then jumps back out for more fun. His smile on the ride is amazing, with his head out of the top watching the action. We will do our best to get a photo of him in the trailer; we keep forgetting to do so until the end of the ride.
Well, it looks like we have a break in the rain, so that’s it for now. We are heading out for an evening walk. I hope everyone had a wonderful day.