Kudo has been anxious about some of his appointments and not sitting still for his treatments. Kudo must lie on his side with his leg extended for treatment. Over the last few treatments, Kudo has been doing progressively worse at sitting for his treatments… Could it be his arthritis? Is he in pain? Is he just sick of being poked?
Two weeks ago, Kudo was prescribed trazodone to help him relax for his treatment. The prescription was for 1.5(150mg) pills before bed and 1.5 in the morning before leaving for Peaks. Our first appointment with trazodone appointment was yesterday, October 13th. Kudo took his pill before bed on the 12th. Kudo was a little tipsy that evening. Brad helped Kudo down the stairs and around the house.
We gave Kudo his second round of trazodone before leaving the house. Our drive to Peaks was about 2.5 hours in the morning; as we were getting close to Peaks, Kudo showed signs of stress and was gagging, almost vomiting. Since Brad was driving, I quickly jumped into the back seat to help Kudo. I followed him around the back of the van, trying to comfort him. Kudo started to calm down as I was rubbing him.
We made it to peaks for the treatment; Kudo was still anxious and nervous about his treatment at this level of sedation. After his treatment and getting into the van, Kudo wanted to jump on his own without help. Kudo jumped high enough to make the van, but his depth perception was off, and he didn’t make it into the van. After this failed jump, we helped him into the van, and I decided to ride in the back seat with him on the way home.
On the ride home, Kudo was still gagging and uncomfortably sedated. Poor Kudo would fall asleep and have urinary incontinence, sometimes just a bit. Other times, his bed was soaked. We stopped a few times to get him cleaned up and to have pee breaks, but he seemed too confused when outside. Luckily, I could remove the quilted top off Kudo’s bed and cover it with his blanket. We were getting out of the van at the house, and Kudo threw up.
Once in the house, we rested on the heating pad until Roman Bear LLC came to our rescue to help move Kudo’s blood around and push out the toxins. I could tell Kudo was uncomfortable with the trazodone as he kept moving around and had difficulty relaxing on the PEMF bed.
On October 14th, Kudo woke up under the weather, stumbling around, gagging, and throwing up a little clear liquid. By 10a, Kudo was doing a bit better. We went out for a short walk and then had a late breakfast. Today was slow-moving, but overall, it was much better than yesterday.
We are supposed to do the same thing for his next appointment; I will call on Monday to see if we can try something different, as trazodone doesn’t seem the best for Kudo. Since this is also week four and his blood tends to drop, we will get his blood tested from Rygate instead of putting Kudo through this for no reason. Let’s hope we can try something else. Putting Kudo through trazodone doesn’t feel right.