After Kudo’s birthday, he enjoyed a rest week from vet appointments and cancer treatments! The week continued to be full of treats and Kudo took us on many fun adventures throughout the week, longer-than-usual walks and hikes in the woods.
Oh boy, let me tell you about this awesome hike we went on! We headed up Mount Prospect through the Weeks’ State Park. Kudo was so pumped, he was sprinting up the road to keep up with his buddy Honeybee. Meanwhile, I was practically out of breath, struggling to keep up with their lightning-fast pace. It had been ages since Kudo last hiked all the way to his favorite lookout spot. Its close to the summit with a brown bench under that gorgeous oak tree. We even have a sweet photo of Kudo hanging in our living room from when we captured him in this picture-perfect location a few years back.
Another great adventure was going out to Mud Pond just outside of town. This trail was design to be handicap accessible, it begins wtih crushed stone leading down to the boardwalk. The boardwalk goes through the marshy forest leading down to the beautiful small pond.
Kudo is back on his normal diet and treats. While he enjoyed all of the extra snacks, as much as he loved them, they were a little too much for his belly. We are back to single-ingredient treats: liver, sweet potatoes, chicken, and many more.
With Kudo’s arthritis, we get a little nervous when he pushes himself. The rest week was packed with daily adventures. His PEMF treatments with Roman Bear LLC were put to the test this week. Nothing seemed to slow Kudo down; no recovery time was needed.
We are absolutely delighted to celebrate the amazing week we’ve had! Tonight, Kudo is thrilled to be hosting a delightful sleepover with his best friend, Honeybee, as her mom enjoys a well-deserved trip out of town. It’s going to be a fantastic evening filled with walks and toys!